Pennsylvania Sporting Clays Association (PSCA)
PSCA Monthly Board Meetings
Meetings are normally held on the 3rd Friday of each month.
Meetings may also be held on the 3rd Saturday of the month at a club (e.g. Annual Meeting during the PA State Shoot).
All PSCA members, including club owners/managers, are welcome to attend any regular PSCA meeting and may be heard on any agenda issue.
Any item to be discussed at a PSCA Meeting must submitted to the PSCA Secretary in writing at least fifteen (15) days prior to that meeting, so that it may be added to the meeting agenda.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
The next monthly PSCA Board meeting will be on: PA State Shoot.
Meeting documents and conference call information are emailed to participants the weekend prior to the meeting date.
Agenda Items:
Roll Call
Review of previous meeting Minutes
Review Treasurer's Report
Old business
New business